The Judge JeanineFact Finding Expedition to Israel
focusing on the Middle east, the region's defense, security and intelligence
On this fact Finding Expedition we will explore the swirl of issues surrounding the 4 hotspots of Israel: The Gaza Strip - Hamas, The Lebanon border - Hizbollah, The Syrian frontier - Islamist radical rebels and East Jerusalem - a ticking bomb? There will be a special emphasis on the recent unrest in the Gaza region. In-depth visits around the Gaza Strip were added where experts will provide us with all the available analysis and lessons learned.
We will briefly spend time in Tel Aviv, but mostly we will focus on the hot spots and Jerusalem. In addition to hearing from our hoststhroughout the trip, you will hear explanations by some of Israel's best guides and lectures by top experts, including policymakers, business leaders, journalists, academics, security & defense experts, and IDF officers.
The new U.S.- Israel relations under President Donald Trump, Iran, Hamas, Hesbollah, Radical Islamists and the regional turmoil are not only critical to Israel's welfare and survival, but also to the entire Western Society. We will hear how does the Jewish state and the West deal with the issue of security and defense?
In our visit to Jerusalem we will focus on the status of Jerusalem, US embassy relocation to Jerusalem and the region's security & defense with some of the most acclaimed experts and teachers.
The expedition will include sites that are not featured on any trips to Israel and require security clearance. We will also visit many of the biblical sites in Judea, Samaria and the Galilee.